Tulip Fiction - Christian Romance
Romantic Christian Fiction
News and Frequently Asked Questions
Changes At Tulip Fiction
Mini-Update January 2025
Changes Coming, Lord Willing
I have finally found my way back into the labyrinths of the website's HTML so I am one step closer to getting the writing that has been going on in the background ready for reading and onto Tulipfiction.
Don't panic if I mess things up on the way - it's a good sign, I hope.
(Update Added December 2008)
I am a very slow writer!
In God's providence I have patches of good productivity and equally in God's providence I have times where health, energy and life circumstances don't make writing easy.
For readers who aren't aware of this, it must be disconcerting when they see that my novels and stories haven't been updated for lengthy periods. But I haven't given up or lost enthusiasm forcontinuing these stories. I'm still here, working away as best I can and with full intentions of adding more as soon as possible.
NEW UPDATE BLOG - Read The New Tulipfiction Blog for current developments at www.tulipfiction.com
My plan with the the tulipfiction blog is simply to make updating you on progress a little easier. After having to replace my computer earlier this year I have yet to set up an FTP program on the new one for uploading webpages to the internet, so doing updates to this News Section has just been too hard! I hope that by using a blog that I can access from any computer (even if I don't have new writing ready to post on tulipfiction) I should at least be able to post a progress report every month or so.
Anyway, I'll give it a try and see how it goes! Pop over to the new blog and let me know what you think.
See you there,
P.S.I still plan to send out a newsletter whenever I add new chapters or stories to Tulipfiction.com, so if you haven't joined the email group yet, please do so below.
Old News . . .(News from 2007)
Introducing  Heart Notes
The possibilities offered by writing for the internet, rather than print media, have gone to my head. Why not add extra information, definitions and relevant links in the midst of the story - without interrupting the flow? Kind of like footnotes, but right in the heart of the story ....
So, I have a new idea which I'll be trying in future stories and additions ...
Whenever you see the Heart Notes symbol run your cursor over it to read extra information or to reveal an instruction to click on it to link to another page or website. The text box only appears for a short time so if it disappears before you've read it all, just refresh the page or scroll the Heart Note out of sight, and then back again to "refresh" it.
I hope Heart Notes add a little extra to your reading at Tulipfiction. 
NOTE [Added 2010]
The Heart Notes appear to be incompatible with Google Chrome and I don't have a fix for this as yet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Probably the most frequently asked questions are: "When will the next Chapter of Jacaranda Plains be posted?" or "Can you post to a more regular schedule?"
Like, you want more regular than once in a blue moon?
My sincere apologies to those who find reading a story in spits and spurts like pulling teeth .... but at this stage I'm not in a position to post new chapters on a regular schedule (I have tried.)
While I can't wait to get Jemimah's story written and up on Tulipfiction, I have to admit sometimes several months do pass between updates when I am unable to write, or distracted by other stories.
Don't give up though - Lord willing, I have every intention of continuing to add to Jacaranda Plains as often as I can. The emails with "gentle nudges" from readers are great - they help win me over from playing with other writing projects, and encourage me to keep slogging on with the writing when it all just seems too hard!
Honestly, although I write at the speed of a tired slug, I'm in love with the people of "Jacaranda Plains" and really look forward to bringing them all to life to share their adventures with all of you.
(And then I'll be free to begin on the next novel with you ...)
I hope anyone with questions or comments will write to me by either clicking on the email button below (Java must be enabled) or emailing me at the following address:
ive_been_reading at tulipfiction dot com (spaces removed and "at" and "dot" replaced by the correct symbols ).
"Pelican Point"
Status January 2025: Currently Offline Originally written over twenty years ago, Pelican Point was my first complete novel and while I was thrilled so many readers enjoyed it, there are too many parts that make me cringe to leave it online in its current state. I'm currently hard at work rewriting the story and look forward to reposting it when the revision is completed. Rachel
Claire William is a vivacious young woman who believes her new job at a renowned Spinal Rehabilitation Centre is the answer to her prayers.
Juggling a career as well as her responsibilities for her severely disabled
brother and invalid father is already complicated enough ...
but try as she might she cannot stop herself falling
in love with her boss, the intense and compelling Dr Cameron
Alexander. He is also a Christian, but the different ways in which
they approach their faith, their work and their lives leads to much
heart-ache. Can Claire somehow strike a balance between her beliefs, her family and
the man she desires?
"Jacaranda Plains"
Jacaranda Plains is a love story, but also the story of the personal and spiritual growth of Jemimah Parker, a shy young teacher who finds herself unexpectedly posted to a small rural town far away from her home. Her life is suddenly filled with new friends, difficult challenges and unexpected adventures - and with the painful awareness that the man of her dreams seems destined to remain out of reach.
This novel is being added chapter by chapter as a serial.
To read the most recently added chapters click here: Chapter 43
I love hearing from readers and warmly invite you to write to me with your questions and comments. Please click on the email button below (Java must be enabled) or email me at the following address:
ive_been_reading at tulipfiction dot com (spaces removed and "at" and "dot" replaced by the correct symbols ).
About TulipFiction.com
~ If you linked directly to this page from another website, why not take a few moments to read my introduction to the writing on this site and have a look at the index of other short stories and novels here at TulipFiction. Thanks, Rachel.
"Freely You Have Received"
My entry in the 2007 "More Than Novellas - Love Extravagant Competition"
After a lifetime of feeling in debt for everything her mother gave up to raise her, Terri Hoffman was glad to move in with her elderly grandparents and do what she could to help out. It isn't an exciting life, but Terri believes nothing's more important than paying her own way through life - until unexpected circumstances force her to look at her goals in a completely different way.
Click on the graphic above to visit the "More Than Novellas" website to read my short story "Freely You Have Received".
"A Priceless Exchange"
Amber’s life has been a series of fresh starts and inevitable disappointments, but when a stranger starts visiting the North Queensland pub where she works, Amber dares to dream her life could be different. This unusual young man seems to be interested in her … but how will she handle the news he brings?
"A Priceless Exchange" was my entry in the 2006 "Love Extravagant" competition, held to celebrate the 50th Short Story on the More Than Novellas website and I was thrilled to be awarded first place.
Click on the graphic to visit the "More Than Novellas" website to read "A Priceless Exchange" as well as the other inspiring entries to this contest.
Staying in the picturesque town of Kiama on a girls' weekend with her colleagues, Mia is overwhelmed by the dramatic beauty of the coastland around her. An unexpected encounter with a stranger leads her to wonder whether there might be more behind the awesome majesty of the nature than she'd ever imagined.
"Something Worth Waiting For"
After the death of his young wife, Joshua Brooks coped by leaning on God and keeping to himself. But over time he has become so adept at cutting himself off emotionally from everyone around him that when he realises how lonely he is, he has no idea how to bridge the gap he has created. When the perfect opportunity arises to get involved again, will Joshua have the courage to step outside his comfort zone and take it?
"The Key"
Delightfully irrepressible, Feather is a new Christian who is head-over-heels in love with her sweet young boss, James and would do anything to make a good impression on him. When he leaves her in charge of the bookstore while he attends a publishing expo she has the perfect opportunity of proving herself – until everything begins to go very wrong.
"Family Matters"
When Amanda steps in to help after a friend is injured in an accident,
she finds herself far more involved in that family then she ever intended.
"A Friend From Home"
Homesick and lonely after moving to the city for work, Meagan hardly expected that a simple Tupperware party could change her life . . .
"The Bully"
Mitch was the kind of kid everyone at school hated. The little kids feared him, the bigger ones despised him - and all of them longed to see him get his just desserts. Or maybe not quite all . . .
"Titanic Decision"
You must choose to spare one life . . . who do you save and why?
Sean Jones, a formidable force on the football field, is reduced to quivering jelly by his fear of being in a plane crash. The story of one particular man who died on the Titanic gives his thoughts a new direction.
Marshmallow Stories
These stories are short and sweet and with no particular substance to them ~ but just like marshmallows, they might be exactly what you feel like along with a hot chocolate on a cold night.
"A Taste of Her Own Medicine"
She will do anything to obtain her heart's desire … but will the love potion really work?
"Cloudy Days"
A miserable, overcast afternoon had to be the worst possible time for Simone’s boss to choose to sack her from her job. Or was it?
I love hearing from readers and warmly invite you to write to me with your questions and comments. Please click on the email button below (Java must be enabled) or email me at the following address:
ive_been_reading at tulipfiction dot com (spaces removed and "at" and "dot" replaced by the correct symbols ).
I love hearing from readers and warmly invite you to write to me with your comments and questions.
I'm very sorry that sometimes it does take me a long time to respond, but your emails are very much appreciated.
Please click on the email button below (Java must be enabled) or email me at the following address:
ive_been_reading at tulipfiction dot com (spaces removed and "at" and "dot" replaced by the correct symbols ).
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